The Single Strike Master expansion is a set in the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG), released on January 22, 2021. It is part of the Sword & Shield series and introduces the...
The "Sword" expansion, released on December 6, 2019, is part of the Pokémon Trading Card Game's Sword & Shield series. This set introduced new Pokémon from the Galar region...
The "Jet-Black Spirit" expansion is part of the Pokémon Trading Card Game's Sword & Shield series, released in Japan on April 23, 2021. This set features Shadow Rider...
The Time Gazer set is a Japanese expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, released on April 8, 2022. This set is notable for introducing Hisuian Pokémon into the TCG,...
Rozšírte si svoju zbierku kariet o vzácne Kórejské kúsky z balíku Star Birth. Balík je vyplnený krásnymi Alt artmi Arceusa, Charizarda V a Rainbow verziami týchto mocných Pokémonov
Produkt je v Kórejskom jazyku
Eevee Heroes používa obľúbené Eeveelutions ako svoj hlavný predmet, pretože sada ponúka viac Full Art a Alternate Art Kórejských Pokémon kariet...
Najočakavánejšia sada Scarlet & Violet éry je tu! Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet sada 151 prináša obrovské množstvo nostalgie pre dlhoročných fanúšikov Pokémonov a aj...
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