Magic the Gathering - Strixhaven - School of Mages - Collector Booster

Vyskúšajte to najlepšie vzdelanie, ktoré Strixhaven môže ponúknuť. Každý kolekčný balíček obsahuje 2 karty Mystical Archive s foliovým potlačou (vrátane alternatívneho japonského variantu), 6 kariet s alternatívnym rámovaním, 11 tradičných foliových kariet, foil token a kombináciu 5 vzácnych alebo mýtických kariet. S týmito luxusnými kartami v vašom balíku bude každý vedieť, kto je prvý v triede.

Čo sú kolekčné balíčky?

Kolekčné balíčky sú dokonalým spôsobom, ako pridať jedinečné a exkluzívne karty do svojej zbierky. V každom balíčku vás čaká množstvo foliových kariet, špeciálnych ošetrení kariet a ďalšie prekvapenia. Ak hľadáte najkrajšie dostupné karty, nemusíte hľadať ďalej.

Výrobcom zapečatený originálny Collector Booster obsahuje 15 kariet a token/reklamnú kartu. Odosielame náhodne vybraný Collector Booster - Magic the Gathering - Strixhaven - School of Mages.

EAN Kód: 

Availability Skladom (>5 pcs)
Code: 351
€24,95 –16 % €20,95 €17,03 excl. VAT
Magic the Gathering - Strixhaven - School of Mages - Collector Booster
collector boosters strixhaven school of mages 03
€24,95 –16 %

Vyskúšajte to najlepšie vzdelanie, ktoré Strixhaven môže ponúknuť. Každý kolekčný balíček obsahuje 2 karty Mystical Archive s foliovým potlačou (vrátane alternatívneho japonského variantu), 6 kariet s alternatívnym rámovaním, 11 tradičných foliových kariet, foil token a kombináciu 5 vzácnych alebo mýtických kariet. S týmito luxusnými kartami v vašom balíku bude každý vedieť, kto je prvý v triede.

Čo sú kolekčné balíčky?

Kolekčné balíčky sú dokonalým spôsobom, ako pridať jedinečné a exkluzívne karty do svojej zbierky. V každom balíčku vás čaká množstvo foliových kariet, špeciálnych ošetrení kariet a ďalšie prekvapenia. Ak hľadáte najkrajšie dostupné karty, nemusíte hľadať ďalej.

Výrobcom zapečatený originálny Collector Booster obsahuje 15 kariet a token/reklamnú kartu. Odosielame náhodne vybraný Collector Booster - Magic the Gathering - Strixhaven - School of Mages.

Viac detailov:

  • Vyrobené v USA
  • Materiály: Papier
  • Odporúčaný vek: od 13 rokov
  • Balenie je komplet v anglickom jazyku (obsahuje aj kartu japonského variantu)
  • EAN Kód: 

More details

Graduate with Honors

Experience the finest education Strixhaven has to offer. Each Collector Booster contains 2 foil enthed Mystical Archive cards (including an alt-art Japanese variant), 6 alt-frame cards, 11 traditional foils, a foil token, and a combination of 5 Rares or Mythics. With these fancy cards in your deck, everyone will know whoôs head of the class.

What are collector boosters?

Collector Boosters are the ultimate way to add unique and exclusive cards to your collection. Tons of foil, special card treatments, and more await you inside every pack. If you're looking for the coolest cards available, look no further.

collector boosters - strixhaven - school of mages 02


1 Foil-etched Mystical Archive rare or mythic rare – The only place to get foil-etched Mystical Archive cards is in the Collector Booster. In this slot of your booster, you will get one of 30 rare Mystical Archive cards or one of 15 mythic rare Mystical Archive cards with a foil-etched treatment in either their global or Japanese alternate-art version. It is a 50% split to get a global version or Japanese alternate-art version of the Mystical Archive card.

1 Foil-etched Mystical Archive uncommon – In this slot, you will always get one of the 18 Mystical Archive uncommons in a foil-etched treatment. This slot will be a 50% split between having the global Mystical Archive style and the Japanese variant. If you get a global Mystical Archive card in your Collector Booster, it means that your foil-etched rare or mythic rare was the Japanese alternate-art version (and vice versa). Between this slot and the foil-etched rare or mythic rare slot, you will always get one foil-etched global Mystical Archive card and one foil-etched Japanese alternate-art card.

1 Traditional foil Mystical Archive (global or Japanese alternate-art version) rare or mythic rare, borderless mythic rare, or extended-art rare or mythic rare – This slot is filled with all sorts of goodness! Typically found as the last Magic card in your Collector Booster, this slot is your chance to get some amazing cards! In this slot, you will find the traditional foil Mystical Archive global version (45 cards), the traditional foil Mystical Archive Japanese alternate-art version (45 cards), foil extended-art Strixhaven: School of Mages main set rares and mythic rares (81 cards, including Lessons and MDFCs), and foil borderless mythic rares (9 cards, including MDFCs). Wow!

1 Traditional foil Mystical Archive uncommon – There are 18 Mystical Archive uncommons, and each one can be found in this slot in traditional foil. Half of the time, the card in this slot is the global version of a Mystical Archive card, and the other half of the time, it's the Japanese alternate-art version of a Mystical Archive card.

1 Extended-art rare or mythic rare, or a borderless mythic rare – In this slot you will get one of the Strixhaven: School of Mages extended-art rares or mythic rares from the main set, or a borderless planeswalker card, or a borderless mythic rare Elder Dragon (90 cards total). The borderless cards feature alternate art as well as the borderless frame. Both the extended-art and borderless cards can be single-faced or double-faced in correspondence to their main set counterpart. This slot never contains an extended-art Commander (2021 Edition) rare or mythic rare card because of the next slot below that always contains one.

1 Extended-art Commander (2021 Edition) rare or mythic rare – As noted above in the extended-art section, this slot will always contain one of the new Commander (2021 Edition) rares or mythic rares with extended art (80 cards).

1 Traditional foil Lesson – All 20 Lesson cards in Strixhaven can be found in this slot. On average, if you opened six Collector Boosters, you would expect to get a combination of 5 common and/or uncommon Lesson cards, as well as 1 rare or mythic rare Lesson card.

Expanded Anatomy

For the Lesson cards, you will notice that they have a special icon in the upper left to make it easier to notice these cards when you have cast a spell with the new learn mechanic. I spoke with Daniel Holt, the UX designer responsible for mechanical frames and icons of the Lesson frame.

"One major question that kept popping up" was, as Daniel put it, "can I put this Lesson in my deck like a regular card? The answer is 'yes,' so I immediately knew that no matter what we did special for these cards, we also had to make sure they looked like something that could go in your deck and be played normally if you wanted."

"There was no restriction on the upper-left corner where DFC icons typically appear, and it worked well as the spot for the Lesson icon. The team landed on a quill and scroll to represent taking notes and learning a new spell! Hopefully, this icon will help players notice their Lesson cards during drafts and deck construction so they can appropriately decide if they want to main deck a card or put it in their sideboard to learn later."

1 Traditional foil rare or mythic rare – Most rare and mythic rares in the Strixhaven: School of Mages main set can be found here—including the double-faced cards but excluding the Lesson cards—for 84 total cards. The rare and mythic rare Lesson cards are found in the Lesson slot above.

2 Traditional foil uncommons – The uncommons that you can get here include the main set Strixhaven uncommons with the exception of the Lesson cards (75 cards possible). The 5 uncommon Lesson cards aren't included here because they are instead in the Lesson slot above.

5 Traditional foil commons – The commons that you can get here include the main set Strixhaven commons and the common nonbasic lands (96 cards total). The common Lesson cards aren't included here as they are in the Lesson slot above. The Strixhaven: School of Mages basic lands aren't included here either. If you want Strixhaven basic lands in foil, they are available in Set Boosters and the Strixhaven: School of Mages Bundle.

1 Traditional foil token (double-sided) – The Collector Booster has the 7 different tokens that are created by cards in the main set as well as the two different emblems. Each token and emblem are found on one side of these double-sided foils. If you want to collect traditional foil tokens and emblems, the Collector Booster is the only place in Strixhaven that they can be found.

Each school has a token that its spells can create. For instance, Lorehold makes a 3/2 Spirit creature token, and the Collector Booster is where you get it in foil. Here is what that token will look like.

Spirit tokenFoil Spirit token

Traditional foil version found in Collecter Booster packs.

  • Made in USA
  • English version

Additional parameters

Category: Collector Booster Packs
Weight: 0.025 kg

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