The Night Unison expansion is a subset of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) from the Sun & Moon Era, released exclusively in Japan on January 11, 2019. This set serves as an enhancement to the ninth main expansion, Tag Bolt, and introduces new cards and mechanics to the game.
Key Features:
TAG TEAM GX Cards: Night Unison continues the introduction of TAG TEAM GX cards, featuring powerful Pokémon pairs that offer strategic advantages in gameplay.
Focus on Darkness and Fairy Types: The set emphasizes Darkness and Fairy-type Pokémon, expanding deck-building options for these types.
Notable Inclusions: Key cards in this expansion include Venomoth GX and the TAG TEAM GX card featuring Gardevoir & Sylveon.
Each box contains 30 booster packs. Each booster pack contains 5 cards.
Additional parameters
Category: | Booster Boxes |
Weight: | 0.3 kg |
Jazyk: | Japonský |
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