The Miracle Twin expansion is the eleventh primary set in the Pokémon Trading Card Game's Sun & Moon series, released exclusively in Japan on May 31, 2019. This set...
The Full Metal Wall expansion is a subset of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) from the Sun & Moon Era, released exclusively in Japan on February 1, 2019. This set serves...
The Time Gazer set is a Japanese expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, released on April 8, 2022. This set is notable for introducing Hisuian Pokémon into the TCG,...
The Night Unison expansion is a subset of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) from the Sun & Moon Era, released exclusively in Japan on January 11, 2019. This set serves as...
Pokémon TCG: Fusion Arts Booster Box is a collection of booster packs that introduces a new game mechanic called the Fusion Strike Style. This style focuses on synergistic play,...
Choose Your Battle Style Wisely!
Be a titan full of power, or strike with impossible speed—it all depends on your martial mastery of the Pokémon TCG: Sword &...
Some Pokémon Go Bump in the Night...
Get in on the latest Pokémon TCG action with 1 cool Pokémon coin to add to your collection, an awesome Pokémon TCG booster pack, and 1 of 2...
Some Pokémon Go Bump in the Night...
Get in on the latest Pokémon TCG action with 1 cool Pokémon coin to add to your collection, an awesome Pokémon TCG booster pack, and 1 of 2...
Start a new adventure with Pokémon V and VMAX!
Welcome to the Galar region with the Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield expansion! Meet more than a dozen powerful Pokémon V,...
Forge a Fiery Path—with Charizard!
With a fiery inferno and unyielding claws, the magnificent Charizard sweeps aside opposition and takes the high ground! Champion Leon calls...
Get ready to Build & Battle with the Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Battle Styles expansion!
This Build & Battle Box includes a 23-card Evolution pack (which...
Get ready to Build & Battle with the Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon—Lost Thunder expansion!
This Build & Battle Box includes a 23-card Evolution pack (which...
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