The Legendary Heartbeat expansion, released in Japan on July 10, 2020, is part of the Sword & Shield Era with the Japanese set code S3a. This set introduces a unique Amazing...
Shiny Star V released in Japan on 20th of November 2020, the set S4a has a total of 330 cards including secret rares!
Shiny Star V features a large amount of...
The Pokémon Center Shiny Star V Nessa Gym Set is a special, limited-edition product released exclusively in Japan. It combines the highly sought-after Shiny Star V expansion...
Towering Perfection released in Japan on 9th of July 2021, the set S7D has a total of 67 cards and 23 secret rares!
This set contains a lot of amazing Pokémon cards such...
Shiny Star V released in Japan on 20th of November 2020, the set S4a has a total of 330 cards including secret rares!
Shiny Star V features a large amount of...
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